
2024-02-01 13:27




华中农业大学联合多个国内外高校与科研机构在Nature Communications(IF=16.6)与Molecular Plant(IF=27.5)期刊陆续在发表两篇研究论文,以代表亚洲稻群体结构的高质量基因组为研究对象,构建并分析基因组倒位图谱,建成基于同源基因簇的水稻泛基因组综合数据库-Rice Gene Index (RGI)。




该研究顺利获得整合和利用亚洲栽培稻代表性种质的基因组信息,进行综合比较分析,建立了基于同源基因簇的泛基因组数据库Rice Gene Index(RGI,,为全球水稻研究人员给予免费在线检索和分析服务[2]


四川农业大学联合国内外多家机构在Nature Genetics(IF=30.8)和Plant Biotechnology Journal(IF=13.8)期刊上先后发表两篇学术论文,以狼尾草高质量基因组为研究对象,构建了美洲狼尾草图形泛基因组,建成了一个详实、系统的millets多组学数据分析平台。









[1]Zhou Y, Yu Z, Chebotarov D, et al. Pan-genome inversion index reveals evolutionary insights into the subpopulation structure of Asian rice. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):1567.

[2]Yu Z, Chen Y, Zhou Y, et al. Rice Gene Index: A comprehensive pan-genome database for comparative and functional genomics of Asian rice. Mol Plant. 2023;16(5):798-801.

[3]Yan H, Sun M, Zhang Z, et al. Pangenomic analysis identifies structural variation associated with heat tolerance in pearl millet. Nat Genet. 2023;55(3):507-518.

[4]Sun M, Yan H, Zhang A, et al. Milletdb: a multi-omics database to accelerate the research of functional genomics and molecular breeding of millets. Plant Biotechnol J. 2023;21(11):2348-2357.

[5]Yang Z, Luo C, Pei X, et al. SoyMD: a platform combining multi-omics data with various tools for soybean research and breeding. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024;52(D1):D1639-D1650.

[6]He Q, Wang C, He Q, et al.A complete reference genome assembly for foxtail millet and Setaria-db, a comprehensive database for Setaria. Mol Plant. published online December 28, 2023.

[7]Zhu Y, Wang Z, Zhou Z, et al. HEMU: An integrated comparative genomics database and analysis platform for Andropogoneae grasses. Plant Commun. 2023.

[8]Lu K, Pan Y, Shen J, et al. SilkMeta: a comprehensive platform for sharing and exploiting pan-genomic and multi-omic silkworm data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024;52(D1):D1024-D1032.

[9]Yang S, Zong W, Shi L, et al. PPGR: a comprehensive perennial plant genomes and regulation database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024;52(D1):D1588-D1596.

[10]Ranawaka B, An J, Lorenc MT, et al. A multi-omic Nicotiana benthamiana resource for fundamental research and biotechnology. Nat Plants. 2023;9(9):1558-1571. 

[11]Gao Y, Zhang C, Yuan L, et al. PGG.Han: the Han Chinese genome database and analysis platform. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020;48(D1):D971-D976.

[5]Yang Z, Luo C, Pei X, et al. SoyMD: a platform combining multi-omics data with various tools for soybean research and breeding. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024;52(D1):D1639-D1650.
[6]He Q, Wang C, He Q, et al.A complete reference genome assembly for foxtail millet and Setaria-db, a comprehensive database for Setaria. Mol Plant. published online December 28, 2023.
[7]Zhu Y, Wang Z, Zhou Z, et al. HEMU: An integrated comparative genomics database and analysis platform for Andropogoneae grasses. Plant Commun. 2023.
[8]Lu K, Pan Y, Shen J, et al. SilkMeta: a comprehensive platform for sharing and exploiting pan-genomic and multi-omic silkworm data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024;52(D1):D1024-D1032.
[9]Yang S, Zong W, Shi L, et al. PPGR: a comprehensive perennial plant genomes and regulation database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024;52(D1):D1588-D1596.
[10]Ranawaka B, An J, Lorenc MT, et al. A multi-omic Nicotiana benthamiana resource for fundamental research and biotechnology. Nat Plants. 2023;9(9):1558-1571. 
[11]Gao Y, Zhang C, Yuan L, et al. PGG.Han: the Han Chinese genome database and analysis platform. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020;48(D1):D971-D976.